I am in Europe. In Germany. Yesterday I visited the site of Nuremburg War Crimes Trials and viewed the space pictured. It is known simply as Courtroom 600 and its museum includes compelling documentation of how the trials came about which was an international effort. But the United States was the leader. A moment in time when America was not only first but also the best. May we find that moment again.
Pat Adelizzi March 4 2025
I read HCR…
I read Heather Cox Richardson, journalist and commentator on current events every morning or evening when I am slower and the world is slower and I can digest what is happening. And I am wonder what I am going to do. What I am not going to do is be anxious and worried and upset which could just make me eat too much and the wrong thing or have a drink or go to bed early.
What I am going to do is listen to young people and what they are up to and what they are concerned about.
Coleman is going to bring me a CD of his mother singing, two actually, one of popular music and one of religious music, both making a joyful noise. Coleman is Davis’s new friend he met in Scrooge and then he came over postproduction to sit in the hot tub and have a charcuterie board with Tristan Christmas present and singer Billy from Love Actually at the intermission and Isabel Scrooge’s almost wife that he didn’t have enough time for as he was working and making money. Isabel is Bianca. And Karina who worked backstage on the production and Coleman who was the soup vendor and singer who lead the ensemble on “Thank You Very Much” to Scrooge for dying. We just saw Coleman in “The Importance of Being Earnest” at Belmont Abbey theater, a comedy by Oscar Wilde written in 1900 and still funny.
I am going to listen and fix chacuterie boards and respond to Julia’s lament on Instagram about being sad and crying on the sofa with her friend and having too much caffeine.
And go to Macon to visit Phillip and his Julia. And follow Alexander and what he is posting on TikTok
And work on the quilt for Stephanie slowing but surely.
There was a time when I marched for Civil Rights, 6 months pregnant on Trade Street in 1969.
I haven’t even written a letter to a congressperson.
Cathy Tisdale did on email and then printed it out and mailed it hard copy and also called. She is selecting one issue at a time and reaching out to make her voice heard.
Some say this is the end of our democracy and we will be an autocracy like Russia and Turkey and I don’t know where but where the wealthy are the rulers and the common people have no or little rights. When I was growing up this kind of civilization was in history books, ancient times and here we are fighting for our country against the president and Congress.
I get requests for money to help flip 3 seats.
“I am begging”
“I can’t believe this”
“Barack just broke his silence”
“Rachel Maddow warning”
Is it so that if we and if I had just done a little more last year, he would not have been elected for this second term?
Read Heather Cox Richardson
Hold Cat
Find a bird poem
Go to the mountains to teach writing
Have organizations fulfill their dreams, provide employment and a great place to work
Thank the poets
And okay, write a letter to thank Klobuchar and Schiff and finally, even McConnell.
And don’t forget watching Eddie Murphy on Saturday Night Live playing James Brown in a hot tub.
And the Einstein documentary on Prime Video.
Grandchildren, this is what I am saying so far about these times January, 2025 when Trump was inaugurated.
Nancy Dorrier
distress signals…
El Capitan. National Park Staff hung this flag
Would love to see this sign of distress displayed in every national park and on every federal building where staff has been ruthlessly removed.
we only know ..
We only know what we know, and see what we see, based on the information we admit into our awareness in any moment.
This photo was taken from a sailing schooner as the sun set over Penobscot Bay in Vinalhaven, ME, last September. When I gaze at it, I realize that it could as easily be seen as an image of sun rising.
The defining quality is light, casting the image of water, islet, shoreline, and the rigging of the ship that carried us, into awareness.
Where do you see light? And how do you carry it in the world, moment by moment?
"My candle burns, not to dispel the darkness, but to put for the Light." - Charlie Siegel. I suggest this is one of the many ways us Girl Rangers can hold the unsettlement of the times we find ourselves living. The light we carry, if we choose it, can illuminate, revealing what needs our energy and attention--and provide a source that is always, always true, no matter the circumstance.
Tammy Forner
We only know what we know, and see what we see, based on the information we admit into our awareness in any moment.
This photo was taken from a sailing schooner as the sun set over Penobscot Bay in Vinalhaven, ME, last September. When I gaze at it, I realize that it could as easily be seen as an image of sun rising.
The defining quality is light, casting the image of water, islet, shoreline, and the rigging of the ship that carried us, into awareness.
Where do you see light? And how do you carry it in the world, moment by moment?
"My candle burns, not to dispel the darkness, but to put for the Light." - Charlie Siegel. I suggest this is one of the many ways us Girl Rangers can hold the unsettlement of the times we find ourselves living. The light we carry, if we choose it, can illuminate, revealing what needs our energy and attention--and provide a source that is always, always true, no matter the circumstance.
Tammy Forner
in a time like this…
Spending Presidents’ Day protesting the oligarchy at our local courthouse in West Chester, PA, with overwhelming support from passing motorists. Not our first rodeo and we’ve never seen so much horn-honking enthusiasm.
I saw a poem by Loren Brantz on FB containing these lines: “ In a time like this/Joy is an act of resistance./Resist… My first sticker idea! Now to figure out where to stick them!
Barbara Crary