Our Story

January 2025 Watching the 1939 classic “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington,” an idea hatched. The movie is about an honest but naive freshman senator who goes to Washington determined to fight graft and corruption in Congress. He is helped by the youth club that he leads back home – The Boy Rangers

The Rangers distributed leaflets, sent telegrams and went on local radio to rally support for Mr. Smith’s fight as the media and dishonest politicians tried to suppress his message. He gave the boy Rangers buttons to wear as a sign of courage..

A LIGHT BULB MOMENT In the current unrest, that’s what the country desperately needs now: The Girl Rangers – women who come together and use their creative talents to support women and defend democracy amid the chaos of Washington and around the country.

There are many effective organizations already leading the charge. So what do The Girl Rangers offer? There is value in a space where we can tell our stories – draw a picture, write a poem, video – to journal our experiences, concerns and fears. A space to resist the unimaginable transgressions going on in our country at the highest levels of governance to the lowest. A space to protest for a better America

It is a space that encourages inspiration, imagination and, yes, fun.

Our Mission

We stand for creativity and joy as being two of the most productive forms of resistance.

The purpose of The Girl Rangers is to build a community of women who use their creative powers to effectively respond to the chaos spreading across the country. After all the rallies – after all the letters and emails to elected officials, after all the letters to the editors – this is an invitation for women to join kindred spirits and document our journey together by contributing to the Girl Ranger Pin Board.

Through participation, our hope is that each member will find power in personal expression and find unity as a Girl Ranger.